Customer support
Our long-term commitment to your business.
Customer support services are designed for NordERP contracted customers using the Jeeves ERP system. The scope and structure of the support corresponds to the structure of the Jeeves system and the implemented module at the customer. These are the following services:
- ERP Jeeves Legislative Support – NordERP prepares the localization of Jeeves ERP system into the environment of the Slovak Republic and the Czech Republic. In addition to the preparation of the Jeeves language mutation, it also includes system updates, particularly in the field of accounting, which are distributed free of charge to contracted customers when changes in legislation occur.
- New versions of Jeeves ERP system - a new version of the Jeeves ERP system is available every 18-20 months, which confirms Jeeves's emphasis on innovation and modernization of the Jeeves ERP system.
- ERP Jeeves Service Packs - Contains enhancements or repairs and is distributed free of charge to contracted customers,
- User Support –resolving common customer service requirements in terms of support contracts and defined response times (SLAs). Support is provided in the form of:
- Hotline - a dedicated phone line for customers to receive urgent requirements
- web application Customer Support Center (CPZ) - allows managed user access based on customer account parameter settings defined on customer request. After signing in, the user can enter new requirements. According to the set rules, each request is automatically assigned to solver. The user who entered the request and the solver automatically receive email when entering or changing the status of the request. CPZ enables the customer and the solver or other authorized persons to access the request – add a comment, attach a file, change the status, cancel the request – and track the history of the solution. One of the main benefits of CPZ is recorded history available throughout the lifetime of the the requirement.
- Training and Seminars - NordERP and Jeeves are preparing a wide range of training activities and seminars for their clients, focusing on the effective use of Jeeves functionality. The training is largely tailor-made according to the identified needs of a particular customer.