Implementation of ERP jeeves
Well executed implementation is the main factor for fast and high return on investment. At the same time it is the beginning of long-term and mutually beneficial relationship. Let us convince you.
We do not understand the introduction of an ERP system as a one-time project but as the beginning of our long-standing relationship with the customer. Our goal is for this relationship to be mutually beneficial and continuously developed.
NordERP therefore covers the entire lifecycle of Jeeves's ERP systems through project preparation, process analysis, specification of information system requirements and design, to implementation, start-up and daily customer support for use and development of the system.

ERP Services Methodology
Tým poradenských služeb společnosti Jeeves vyvinul jedinečnou metodiku služeb, která podporuje hluboké pochopení podniků a odvětví našich zákazníků s cílem jednat jako důvěryhodný obchodní poradce. Na projektu nasazení Jeeves se každý projekt řídí agilní metodikou nasazení, která využívá iterační implementační techniky s časovým posunem, abychom našim zákazníkům rychle dodali vlastní řešení. Náš přístup zajišťuje, že hodnota se dosahuje brzy a rychle už během implementace každého zákazníka Jeeves ERP.
- Příprava projektu - zahrnuje detailní plánování samotného projektu se zákazníkem, definování projektového týmu a jednotlivých rolí na straně zákazníka a NordERP, definování způsobu komunikace a jiných předpokladů pro úspěšné zvládnutí projektu.
- Process analysis and solution design - unlike boxed software or industry-standardized solutions, NordERP consultants seek to understand the processes and needs of the customer in detail in order to:
- Suggest optimization of processes where possible,
- Determine where the default system setting can be used and vice versa, where it makes sense to customize the system to the customer's needs.
- The solution proposal is prepared by consultants in an iterative manner with the customer according to the functional areas. The order of functional areas reflects the value chain in the company. After approval by customer’s key users in each functional area, the solution proposal is subject to approval by the management of the company.
- Implementation phase – according to the approved design solution, the ERP system is implemented, tested and accepted. It includes not only system setup but also parameterization and programming of agreed customizations as well as migration of agreed data from the preceeding system. System acceptance is based on successful test results.
- Preparation and full operation launch - within the start-up to full operation, key users at the customer carry out trainings for all other users under the supervision of NordERP consultants. After successful completion of the pilot operation, the system is ready for a full operation launch.
- Live operation, support and continuous improvement "Go live" – NordERP supports customers in the first days after starting the system in live operation. These days are critical for mastering the system and its successful use. After successful transition to live Jeeves operation, NordERP provides customers not only with hotline services but also proposes new enhancements and extensions which increase customer value and reduce the return on their investment in the ERP system.